Media Center for HCLA Content
The HCLA is on the front lines of the medical liability reform debate and are available for interviews and insight on how our nation’s broken system hurts patients and physicians. Our spokespersons include physicians, insurance and health care industry experts, policy experts and others.
HCLA spokespeople are available to address:
• How medical liability reform will help preserve patient access to quality medical care.
• How medical liability reform will help bring down health care costs and reduce the federal deficit.
• Medical liability reform legislation pending at the state and federal levels.
• Successful medical liability reform laws enacted at the state level that can be used as models for federal legislation.
• Alternative/non-traditional reforms such as health courts, safe harbors, apology laws, etc.
Download Recent Press Releases
The Health Coalition on Liability and Access (HCLA) today announced its support of H.R. 3656, the Accessible Care by Curbing Excessive LawSuitS Act (ACCESS Act), a comprehensive medical liability reform bill introduced by Representative Richard Hudson (R-N.C.).
Health Coalition Encouraged by Inclusion of Liability Reforms in 2020 Budget
The Health Coalition on Liability and Access is encouraged to see medical liability reforms included in the 2020 budget proposal, highlighting the need to fix what has been a broken system for both patients and health care providers.
Health Coalition Encouraged by Congressional and Administration Support of Medical Liability Reform
The Health Coalition on Liability and Access (HCLA) applauded Congress and the Administration for supporting passage of medical liability reform in the 115th Congress.
Health Coalition Endorses Comprehensive Medical Liability Bill
The Health Coalition on Liability and Access today announced its support of the Protecting Access to Care Act, a comprehensive medical liability reform bill introduced by Representative Steve King (R-IA).