January 2023 Newsletter

Liability Reform Builds Momentum in Iowa With support from the governor and a favorable legislative climate, momentum for medical liability reform is building in Iowa — a state facing threats to patient access to care. The Iowa Medical Society is capitalizing on the...

June 2022 Newsletter

Defensive medicine brings inflation to health care costs As inflation touches on every aspect of consumer prices, health care costs have been continually increasing due to the practice of defensive medicine — and could go up even higher from here. An opinion piece in...

May 2022 Newsletter

Modernizing MICRA To head off a November ballot measure that would have eliminated MICRA and its long-standing success in reforming California’s medical liability system, an agreement was announced to modify MICRA for the benefit of patients and physicians. Passed in...

April 2022 Newsletter

Attempt to Expand Informed Consent Harms Patient Care The Supreme Court of Washington state is reviewing a case that could have damaging implications in the delivery of patient care if informed consent is expanded beyond its current standards. As it stands, informed...

February 2022 Newsletter

Ask Congress to address COVID-19 liability now The continued fight against the COVID-19 pandemic threatens our frontline medical professionals and the practices and facilities where they provide patient care with the potential for a flood of unwarranted medical...