May 2022 Newsletter

Modernizing MICRA To head off a November ballot measure that would have eliminated MICRA and its long-standing success in reforming California’s medical liability system, an agreement was announced to modify MICRA for the benefit of patients and physicians. Passed in...

California’s Legislative Leaders Join Health Care Providers, Consumer Attorneys and Patient Advocates in Announcing Landmark Agreement to Modernize California’s Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA)

SOURCE: Californians Allied for Patient Protection In a historic agreement, California’s legislative leaders today joined with Californians Allied for Patient Protection, Consumer Attorneys of California and both the Yes and No campaigns of a scheduled November ballot...

April 2022 Newsletter

Attempt to Expand Informed Consent Harms Patient Care The Supreme Court of Washington state is reviewing a case that could have damaging implications in the delivery of patient care if informed consent is expanded beyond its current standards. As it stands, informed...