by PPN | Jul 29, 2021 | National
SOURCE: Forbes There is no imaginable reality where accidents and emergencies cease to exist. By the very nature of both of those terms, unplanned events occur, often requiring specialized, curated, emergent care. Therein lies the value of emergency medicine...
by PPN | Jun 30, 2021 | Missouri, National, New Mexico, Newsletter
At Risk: Missouri’s liability laws Missouri’s legislature and courts have long played a back and forth on the ability to enact reasonable limits on noneconomic damages, with current law in jeopardy of again being struck down as the state’s Supreme Court hears...
by PPN | Jun 30, 2021 | National
SOURCE: Risk & Insurance The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on all segments of the health care industry, including the medical malpractice market, which has continued to harden over the last 12 months. As a result, the past year has seen prices, exclusions...
by PPN | May 26, 2021 | California, Missouri, National, Newsletter
HCLA endorses Coronavirus Provider Protection Act The HCLA endorsed recently introduced legislation that offers long-overdue protections for health care professionals and facilities responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. H.R. 3021, The Coronavirus Provider Protection...
by PPN | Apr 29, 2021 | National
SOURCE: JDSUPRA On March 29, 2021, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the first bill of the 2021 Florida legislative session into law — Senate Bill 72 (SB 72) limiting civil liability against businesses for damages related to COVID-19. The bill creates separate...
by PPN | Apr 29, 2021 | National
SOURCE: American Medical Association CHICAGO — Medical liability insurance premiums have begun an upward trend after holding more or less steady during the past decade, according to a new analysis (PDF) from the American Medical Association (AMA). In 2020, during the...