HCLA presses Congress to pass COVID-19 liability protections

SOURCE: North California Record Congressional leaders on Capitol Hill last week heard testimony on expanding liability protections during the COVID-19 pandemic, a measure that many say is necessary to prepare for reopening the nation’s economy. While Republicans have...

April 2020 Newsletter

The HCLA and Protect Patients Now remain committed to supporting our front line health care providers and keeping you updated on COVID-19 related medical liability reform developments at the state and federal levels. Visit our dedicated COVID-19 resource page for...

HHS Issues Advisory Opinion on PREP Act Declaration Immunity

SOURCE: JD Supra On April 14, 2020, the General Counsel for the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) issued an Advisory Opinion (the Opinion) concerning the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (the PREP Act) and the March 10, 2020 Declaration...

Make this simple change to free up hospital beds now

SOURCE: The New York Times There is something we can do immediately that will dramatically help hospitals free up beds and medical equipment to help those suffering from covid-19. This proposal will save lives the minute that states and other authorities adopt it. We...

Risks of Dusting Off the Scrubs

SOURCE: The National Law Review As the country ramps up to contain the rapid spread of COVID-19, the governors of New York and Colorado have called on former health care workers to support health systems stressed by the coronavirus. Doctors and nurses, for example,...