by PPN | Feb 26, 2025 | Arkansas, National, New Mexico, Newsletter
Arkansas liability bill heads to Governor’s desk Arkansas patients are one step closer to a healthier liability system that works for them and their physicians, as critical reforms are pending the governor’s signature. House Bill 1204, which narrowly passed the...
by PPN | Feb 26, 2025 | latest_news, National, New Mexico, News
In a largely rural state defined by long distances to health care, the loss of 248 doctors across New Mexico in recent years means that patients face longer wait times and further travel to access the care they need. Moreover, “New Mexico was the only state to lose...
by PPN | Sep 30, 2024 | COVID, Florida, National, New Mexico, Newsletter, North Carolina
Liability, workforce changes needed to reach rural New Mexico patients A recent policy report from Think New Mexico lays out an ambitious roadmap to tackle the state’s health care workforce shortages, focused on improving access to care and reducing meritless...
by PPN | Sep 30, 2024 | COVID, latest_news, National, New Mexico, News
A full-on reform of New Mexico’s medical malpractice law, easing licensing and credentialing hurdles and expanding a loan repayment program for health professionals are all possible cures for what ails the state’s stubborn health care provider shortage, a Santa...
by PPN | Sep 28, 2023 | Arizona, COVID, Florida, Georgia, latest_news, National, New Mexico, Newsletter
Liability reform returns to Georgia legislative agenda New advocacy efforts in Georgia have elevated the importance of medical liability reform, adding it to a list of business and patient-focused priorities this legislative session. Nearly 20 years ago, the state...
by PPN | Sep 28, 2023 | latest_news, National, New Mexico, News
Aug. 26—Because New Mexico is considered a plaintiff-friendly state with high payouts from medical malpractice lawsuits, rural hospital officials say they are struggling to find insurance coverage. One of the many hospitals across the state that is dealing with this...