This poll of 600 registered general election voters in North Carolina was conducted July 12-13, 2011 by National Research, Inc. of Holmdel, NJ. All respondents were part of a fully representative sample of registered voters in North Carolina. For purposes of this study, voters interviewed had to have voted in at least one of the past three general elections (2006, 2008, 2010) or be newly registered to vote since November 2, 2010.

The confidence interval associated with a sample of this size is such that: 95 percent of the time, results from 600 interviews (registered voters) will be within +-4% of the “True Values.” True Values refer to the results obtained if it were possible to interview every person in North Carolina who had voted in at least one of the past three general elections or is newly registered since November 2, 2010.

Do you feel things in North Carolina are generally headed in the right direction or have gotten off on the wrong track?
Right direction 28%
Wrong track 60%
Don’t Know 11%
If the election for State Legislature were held today, would you be voting for the:
The Republican candidate 40%
The Democratic candidate 36%
Neither 7%
Refused/Not sure 18%
If you were to label yourself, would you say you are a liberal, a moderate, or a conservative in your political beliefs?
Very Liberal 5%
Somewhat Liberal 12%
Moderate 39%
Somewhat Conservative 23%
Very Conservative 19%
Don’t Know/Refused 2%
Now I am going to read you a list of people active in politics. After I read each name, please tell me if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of that person. If you have never heard of that person, just tell me and we’ll go on to the next one. The first one is Bev Perdue:
Very favorable 13%
Somewhat favorable 31%
Somewhat unfavorable 19%
Very unfavorable 28%
No opinion 6%
Never Heard Of 3%
Phil Berger
Very favorable 2%
Somewhat favorable 5%
Somewhat unfavorable 4%
Very unfavorable 3%
No opinion 20%
Never Heard Of 67%
Thom Tillis
Very favorable 2%
Somewhat favorable 4%
Somewhat unfavorable 3%
Very unfavorable 4%
No opinion 15%
Never Heard Of 73%
Joe Hackney
Very favorable 3%
Somewhat favorable 6%
Somewhat unfavorable 4%
Very unfavorable 1%
No opinion 18%
Never Heard Of 69%
Do you approve or disapprove of the job that Barack Obama is doing as President of the United States?
Strongly Approve 25%
Somewhat Approve 19%
Somewhat Disapprove 13%
Strongly Disapprove 39%
Not sure 4%
This question was asked only to Republican and Unaffiliated voters
If the Republican Primary for Governor were being held today to determine the Republican Nominee for Governor, would you vote for Pat McCrory or someone else?
Definitely McCrory 19%
Probably McCrory 19%
Lean McCrory 5%
Undecided 32%
Lean someone else 3%
Probably someone else 12%
Definitely someone else 6%
Refused 4%
This question was asked only to Democratic and Unaffiliated voters
If the Democratic Primary for Governor were being held today to determine the Democratic Nominee for Governor, would you vote for Bev Perdue or someone else?
Definitely Perdue 23%
Probably Perdue 13%
Lean Perdue 5%
Undecided 17%
Lean someone else 2%
Probably someone else 12%
Definitely someone else 26%
Refused 1%
If the election for Governor were held today and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Pat McCrory, the Republican or Bev Perdue, the Democrat?
Definitely McCrory 36%
Probably McCrory 17%
Lean McCrory 2%
Undecided 8%
Lean Perdue 1%
Probably Perdue 9%
Definitely Perdue 25%
Refused 1%
This question was asked only to Democratic and Unaffiliated voters
If the Democratic Primary for President of the United States were being held today to determine the Democratic Nominee for President, would you vote for Barack Obama or someone else?
Definitely Obama 46%
Probably Obama 6%
Lean Obama 1%
Undecided 9%
Lean someone else 4%
Probably someone else 9%
Definitely someone else 24%
Refused 2%
If the election for President of the United States were being held today and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Rick Perry, the Republican, and Barack Obama, the Democrat?
Definitely Perry 35%
Probably Perry 11%
Lean Perry 2%
Undecided 9%
Lean Obama 1%
Probably Obama 6%
Definitely Obama 36%
Refused 1%
From the following list who is most responsible for the financial crisis that our nation is suffering?
Government 63%
Business 27%
Not Sure/Refused 10%
The Cherokee Native American reservation in Western North Carolina has a gambling casino. The gambling games it currently offers are all played on electronic machines. There is a proposal to allow the Cherokees to have live dealer games such as blackjack and roulette like they have in Las Vegas. Would you support the state of North Carolina allowing the Cherokees to offer live dealer games like blackjack, poker, roulette and other games?
Strongly Support 38%
Somewhat Support 26%
Somewhat Oppose 7%
Strongly Oppose 19%
Don’t know/no opinion 10%
Which of the following statements comes closer to your opinion when it comes to allowing live dealer games at the Cherokee Native American Reservation?
Some people say that allowing live dealer games will contribute to an increase in problem gambling, lead to increased crime and other social problems and will not be worth the additional costs imposed on society and families. 25%
Other people cite a UNC study funded by the Cherokees which states that by allowing the casino to add dealers and table games they may create up to 400 jobs, and increase demand for services like dining and hotels and would allow the North Carolina casinos to compete on a level playing field with out of state casinos. 65%
Don’t know 6%
Don’t care/refused 3%
The Legislature recently passed a state budget that eliminated North Carolina’s $2.5 Billion budget deficit, added 1,100 new teachers over two years to decrease class size in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade and lowered taxes by $1 billion. Some of the savings came from reducing spending and the number of state employee positions, though some of those positions are currently vacant. With that in mind, Would you be more or less likely to vote for a legislator who voted for this budget?
Much more likely 28%
Somewhat more likely 29%
Somewhat less likely 15%
Much less likely 16%
No difference 4%
Don’t know/refused 9%
Would you be more or less likely to vote for a governor who vetoed this budget?
Much more likely 13%
Somewhat more likely 15%
Somewhat less likely 27%
Much less likely 30%
No difference 6%
Don’t know/refused 9%
The state legislature passed a bill called “A Woman’s Right to Know” that would require a woman be provided information about an abortion, view an ultrasound of the fetus, and institute a 24 hour waiting period before having the abortion. The legislation is similar to requirements that 32 other states already have. Governor Perdue vetoed this bill saying “This bill is a dangerous intrusion into the confidential relationship that exists between women and their doctors,” Do you agree or disagree with Governor Perdue’s Veto of the “A Woman’s Right to Know” Bill?
Strongly agree 33%
Somewhat agree 12%
Somewhat disagree 10%
Strongly disagree 39%
Don’t know/refused 6%
Would you be more or less likely to vote for a legislator who voted to override or overturn this veto?
Much more likely 25%
Somewhat more likely 15%
Somewhat less likely 17%
Much less likely 29%
No difference 6%
Don’t know/refused 7%
Recently, Governor Perdue vetoed a bill requiring a government issued photo ID be shown when voting. If a person could not afford an ID one would be given to them at no charge. Do you agree or disagree with Governor Perdue’s veto of the bill requiring a government issued photo ID to vote?
Strongly agree 25%
Somewhat agree 12%
Somewhat disagree 13%
Strongly disagree 47%
Don’t know/refused 4%
Would you be more or less likely to vote for a legislator who voted to override or overturn Governor Perdue’s veto of the bill requiring a government issued photo ID be shown when voting?
Much more likely 35%
Somewhat more likely 21%
Somewhat less likely 15%
Much less likely 20%
No difference 6%
Don’t know/refused 4%
Recently the state legislature passed the Medical Malpractice reform legislation that capped the amount of “pain and suffering” damages that could be awarded in a medical malpractice lawsuit, while still allowing economic damages, future medical care and personal expenses to be awarded in the full amount. Supporters say this bill will lower health care costs and increase the number of doctors practicing in high risk areas such as delivering babies. Opponents say limiting the amount of non-economic damages is unfair and the amount that is given should be left up to juries. Governor Perdue vetoed this bill. Do you agree or disagree with Governor Perdue’s veto of the medical malpractice reform legislation?
Strongly agree 21%
Somewhat agree 13%
Somewhat disagree 22%
Strongly disagree 33%
Don’t know/refused 10%
Would you be more or less likely to vote for a legislator who voted to override or overturn this veto?
Much more likely 29%
Somewhat more likely 23%
Somewhat less likely 15%
Much less likely 17%
No difference 7%
Don’t know/refused 9%
The state legislature passed the “Energy Jobs Act,” that would encourage more oil and natural gas exploration in North Carolina as well as expand energy-related industries and jobs. Governor Perdue vetoed this bill, stating it infringed on the powers assigned to the governor by requiring her to work with other states and the NC legislature on energy exploration options. Supporters say the bill would lead to more affordable and clean energy while also creating new jobs. Opponents say the bill would allow offshore drilling and the natural gas exploration that they feel is hazardous to the environment. Governor Perdue vetoed this bill. Do you agree or disagree with Governor Perdue’s Veto of the “Energy Jobs Act”?
Strongly agree 20%
Somewhat agree 12%
Somewhat disagree 18%
Strongly disagree 42%
Don’t know/refused 8%
Would you be more or less likely to vote for a legislator who voted to override or overturn this veto?
Much more likely 37%
Somewhat more likely 21%
Somewhat less likely 12%
Much less likely 18%
No difference 5%
Don’t know/refused 7%
Would you support or oppose raising the government’s debt limit while also making deep cuts in spending on federal programs?
IF OPPOSE: “Is that because you oppose raising the debt limit or because you oppose deep cuts in federal spending?
Support 39%
Oppose – oppose raising debt limit 31%
Oppose – oppose deep cuts in federal spending 16%
No opinion/neither/other 6%
Don’t know/refused 8%
Regardless of your party affiliation do you:
Always vote Democrat 13%
Vote Democrat more often than Republican 25%
Vote Republican more often than Democrat 32%
Always vote Republican 8%
Both equally – split ticket 17%
Not sure/refused 4%
Do you support or oppose the Tea Party Movement?
Strongly Support 20%
Somewhat Support 22%
Somewhat Oppose 9%
Strongly Oppose 28%
Don’t know/no opinion 21%
As you may know, the National Labor Relations Board, an independent federal agency whose members are appointed by the President, filed suit against the Boeing corporation saying they should not be allowed to open a new factory in neighboring South Carolina instead of Washington state. Like North Carolina, South Carolina is a right-to-work state while Washington state is not.

Are you familiar with this issue?

Yes 39%
No 60%
Don’t know 1%
Are you afraid the National Labor Relations Board could take similar action in North Carolina and other right-to-work states?
Yes 51%
No 21%
Don’t know 28%
Governor Nikki Haley and 15 other governors sent a letter to the National Labor Relations Board asking it to dismiss its complaint against Boeing. Do you think Governor Perdue should take similar action to prevent the National Labor Relations Board from interfering in North Carolina’s job creation efforts in the future?
Yes 67%
No 16%
Don’t know 18%
18-25 8%
26-40 25%
41-55 30%
56-65 17%
66+ 21%
Which category best describes your race or ethnicity?
White or Caucasian 77%
African American or Black 18%
Hispanic or Latino 1%
Native American 1%
Asian or Pacific Islander 1%
Other 2%
Refused 1%
Male 48%
Female 52%
Geographic Area
Charlotte 21%
Western 13%
Piedmont Triad 19%
Triangle 22%
Northease 10%
Southeast 15%
Party Registration
Republican 33%
Democrat 47%
Independent/other 20%