Recent News
Court case could extend medical liability
A state supreme court is set to decide whether the two-year statute of limitations for filing a wrongful death lawsuit should start, as it does now, from the time of death or from the moment the plaintiff learns of the circumstances that may have contributed to or...
Study ranks Texas 6th best state for docs, expert points to tort reform
A recent study found Texas is one of the best states for physicians to practice medicine, a high ranking made possible in part due to the passage of tort reform measures in 2003, says one expert. In late March, WalletHubb released its “2016’s Best & Worst States...
State lawmakers are set to consider increasing Indiana’s cap on medical malpractice payments for the first time in 17 years
State lawmakers are set to take up a proposal that would increase Indiana's cap on medical malpractice payments for the first time in 17 years. The bill scheduled for review by an Indiana Senate committee on Monday would boost the state's current limits on what...
Editorial: Subjecting out-of-state M.D.s to NM law risky
A medical malpractice lawsuit filed in Albuquerque by a Curry County woman who had gastric bypass surgery in 2004 at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock has sent a thorny question to the New Mexico Supreme Court. While it would seem reasonable...
TMA seeks constitutional amendment to preserve malpractice damage caps
Despite a series of tort-reform measures approved by lawmakers in recent years, Tennessee physicians say they need further protection — in the form of an amendment to the state constitution — against the threat of large awards in medical malpractice lawsuits. The...
State Attorney General Bondi defends medical malpractice limits
Pointing to the Legislature's efforts to address a "crisis," Attorney General Pam Bondi's office is urging the Florida Supreme Court to uphold a key part of a controversial 2003 medical-malpractice law. A friend-of-the-court brief filed by Bondi's office signals the...
Tennessee doctors want malpractice payout limits in constitution
Fearful that Tennessee courts could eventually strike down a 2011 law capping jury awards in medical malpractice lawsuits, doctors plan to press legislators to protect the statute through amending the state's constitution. The Tennessee Medical Association wants...
Costly Mistakes: How Bad Policies Raise the Cost of Living
Government policy mistakes raise the prices of the things that Americans buy. An average American household can expect to pay an extra $4,440 each year thanks to just 12 such policy mistakes that have large costs and few benefits. Local, state, and federal governments...
High-spending doctors less likely to be sued
Providing more care than necessary may work to lower a doctor's risk of being accused of malpractice, suggests a new U.S. study. Although the results can't prove extra expenditures are due to so-called defensive medicine, the researchers found that doctors in Florida...
Florida’s culture of medical malpractice claims isn’t good for health care
Florida has the highest loss rate among states when it comes to settling medical malpractice claims, according to a new study from Aon Risk Solutions and the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management. The cost of settling and defending medical malpractice claims...