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My View: Lawsuit reforms will create jobs in Illinois
Gov. Bruce Rauner’s call for reasonable lawsuit reforms represents a vital step in an economic come back in Illinois. The time for lawsuit reform is long overdue. For years, attempts to enact meaningful lawsuit reform has been met with fierce resistance in the...
Medical Liability Reform in Illinois
Each year, Illinois loses about half of the physicians who complete a medical residency in our state. Among those who leave, two thirds cite Illinois' reputation for lawsuit abuse as an influencing factor. An onerous medical lawsuit climate also forces existing...
Medical malpractice suits drop in Pennsylvania
The number of medical malpractice case filings statewide has dropped to its lowest point in a decade and a half of tracking. Plaintiffs' lawyers filed 1,463 such cases in Pennsylvania's civil courts in 2014, according to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania...
The ‘Michigan Model’ for Malpractice Reform
Doctors have many tests and procedures to choose from when treating you. But is it possible to have too much of a good thing? It is. Overuse and waste in medical care—which include ordering more tests and treatment than scientific evidence supports—make up as much as...
Caps on medical malpractice lawsuits signed into law
Limits on monetary damages in medical malpractice lawsuits have been reinstated in Missouri. Gov. Jay Nixon signed Senate Bill 239 into law Thursday at SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital in Jefferson City. The state's Supreme Court overturned the previous limits three...
An Optimal Outcome for Iowa Candor Legislation
The medical community and attorneys came together in Iowa for a rare partnership that led to an optimal outcome for patients across the state. Signed into law by Governor Branstad, the Communication and Optimal Resolution (Candor) legislation was modeled on successful...
Historic House Vote Protects Right of State’s to Set Medical Liability Laws, Says Texas Alliance For Patient Access
Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed historic medical liability language in a bill that replaces the often-criticized Medicare physician payment formula known as the sustainable growth rate. The measure passed overwhelmingly with strong bi-partisan support....
Your Doctor Likely Orders More Tests Than You Actually Need
The surprising non-medical reasons why emergency room doctors order too many tests When you’re rushed to an emergency room, the doctors immediately order a battery of tests to figure out what’s wrong. But while scans and blood draws can tell them an incredible amount...
Facing legal roadblocks, medical malpractice claims dwindle
The number of medical malpractice claims fell to a record low in Wisconsin last year as the state-managed insurance fund for the doctors grew to more than $1.2 billion, newly released records show. Only 84 medical malpractice suits were filed in Wisconsin last year —...
Senate advances medical malpractice priority bill
SB 239, which creates a statutory cause of action for damages against health care providers, has left the Senate and moves to the House for consideration. Bill supporters say the bill will reduce incentives for “frivolous lawsuits.” Senate leaders released a statement...