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Could Malpractice Reform Save the U.S. Health Care System?

A new essay in the journal Health Affairs proposes that tackling tort reform on the federal level could convince doctors to agree to bigger changes in the U.S. health care system. Photo illustration by DNY59. It's a scenario most people have considered at least once....

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America’s Emergency Care Environment

For millions of Americans who experience sudden, serious illness or injury every year—and in the increasing scores of communities that must respond to disasters and mass casualty events—immediate access to quality emergency care is essential to saving life and limb....

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Missouri to Revisit Medical Lawsuit Limit

JEFFERSON CITY (AP) — Missouri lawmakers plan to try again to limit how much money people can receive in medical malpractice lawsuits. Missouri House Speaker Tim Jones said the liability limits are a priority for the 2014 session. And Rep. Eric Burlison of Springfield...

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You’re Getting Too Much Healthcare

For people who had been awaiting the rollout of the Affordable Care Act in order to obtain health insurance for the first time, the major problem associated with American healthcare has been a lack of access to it. But for a surprising number of Americans, the greater...

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Offer ER Doctors Needed Relief

Legislation would provide emergency physicians with helpful, and fair, tort reform Emergency room doctors shouldn’t have to fear lawsuits when simply doing their jobs. A bill in the Michigan House would bring some reasonable control to medical malpractice lawsuits...

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ACA Could Pose Unintentional Legal Dangers for Physicians

Federal quality metrics – integrated into the Affordable Care Act to improve and standardize care – are posing unintended legal risks for physicians, medical malpractice experts noted. "The Affordable Care Act itself doesn’t identify medical malpractice issues,"...

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House Passes Health Care Apology Bill

Governor is expected to sign bill that keeps statements of concern out of court. There may be a good reason patients sometimes feel they get the cold shoulder from their doctors after being injured in a medical setting. The physicians may be afraid that even the...

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Malpractice issues a top concern of physicians

Data also shows worries about ACA Malpractice issues and tort reform should be the top priority of the N.H. Medical Society, according to a survey of the state's physicians. The University of New Hampshire Survey Center conducted a physician survey on behalf of the...

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Florida’s Medical Malpractice Fight Going to Appeals Court

The latest round in Florida’s long-running legal and political fight about medical malpractice is headed to a federal appeals court. Just days after a federal judge rejected part of a new malpractice law backed by doctors, the defendant in the case gave notice Monday...

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