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Tort reform challenge threatens medical liability premiums

An appellate court examines the New Mexico law’s constitutionality and its $600,000 damages cap, but physicians are fighting back, fearing changes will drive up costs. New Mexico’s tort reform, which has been on the books since the mid-1970s, is facing legal...

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Health reform medical liability shield a model of good sense

Georgia now protects its physicians from a possible liability loophole in the ACA. The rest of the nation must do the same. The Affordable Care Act will bring new insurance coverage to tens of millions of people, put a needed focus on preventive care, and start...

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Scott signs FMA-priority medical liability reform bill

Gov. Rick Scott has signed the Florida Medical Association’s priority medical liability reform legislation, transforming the state’s medical practice environment by requiring fairness in the use of expert witnesses. SB 1792, sponsored by Sen. Tom Lee and Rep. Matt...

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To Fix U.S. Budget, Reform Medical Malpractice Law

The sequestration that is about to take effect imposes too much austerity too soon, does so in a nonsensical way, and yet does little to improve the long-term U.S. fiscal picture. Far more beneficial would be to make sure that the deceleration in health costs we have...

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Governor signs alternative to medical malpractice lawsuits

Gov. John Kitzhaber signed a bill today offering patients, doctors and hospitals an alternative to medical-malpractice lawsuits. Senate Bill 483 would allow them to enter into voluntary discussions and mediations, including settlement offers, under the authority of...

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The Experts: How to Fix Health Care

What single change could be made to the current health-care reimbursement system to help bring down costs? Recent Journal Report articles on the future of Accountable Care Organizations and the expansion of Medicaid have touched on the issue of cost reduction.The Wall...

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