Recent News
Tommy Thompson: Repeal ‘Obamacare’ and deliver real market-driven reform
There is no greater example of government overreach and unrestrained liberalism than “Obamacare,” the president’s signature legislative initiative. It is so deeply flawed and such a clear and present threat to our economic stability that there is no way to fix it; it...
Doctor shortage the bigger problem for N.J. health care
Later this week, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as “Obamacare.” The law’s constitutionality has sparked discussions and debate over the past three years as we vet the...
Trade Group Calls for Medical Liability Reform After Claim Loss Rates Rise 4%
Rising medical liability costs are named in a recent report as yet another source that’s sapping Medicaid funding, according to a new report by Aon Risk Solutions,prompting a long-term care provider trade group to call for state-by-state medical liability reform...
Innovation Stifled by Defensive Medicine
Washington Millions of dollars that could be used for innovation in health care delivery often are funneled toward medical liability costs, a panel representing private health systems told a Senate committee on May 23. The witnesses said boosting quality through...
Patients Benefit from Texas Tort Reform
SAN DIEGO – Since the state of Texas implemented medical tort reform in 2003, the number of practicing physicians has increased by 19% per 100,000 population. In addition, hospitals in the state report improved ability to recruit physicians and expand patient...
Without Reforms, Michigan Faces Physician Shortages
It's not in Gov. Rick Snyder's health care plan, but medical malpractice tort reforms could help Michigan deal with a nationwide doctor shortage. Other states — Texas most recently — have overtaken reforms Michigan adopted in the 1980s and...
Physicians, Patients Face Long Road in Liability Lawsuits
(Reuters Health) - Malpractice claims against U.S. doctors are often dismissed, and when they go to trial, the verdict is usually in the doctor's favor, according to a new study.But even when a case is dismissed, the road is typically long for both doctors and the...
Massachusetts hospitals undertake new approach to malpractice cases
In an effort to improve the state’s malpractice system, seven Massachusetts hospitals are participating in a pilot program designed to offer patients harmed by medical errors prompt apologies and financial settlements, reports the Boston Globe. The alliance of...
Results are in – and Americans Understand High Cost of Broken Liability System
NEW YORK, May 29, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- A new nationwide poll finds that heavy majorities of voters across party lines believe that the legal system is increasing health care costs. The survey also found that 66 percent of voters favor taking medical claims out of...
Lawsuits against doctors decline
Ohio’s tort-reform law is having a dramatic impact on medical malpractice cases in the state, with closed claims dropping 41 percent between 2005 and 2010, and average payments declining 38 percent over that period.The Ohio Department of Insurance annual report...