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Survey: Docs Glum on Healthcare Reform

Most U.S. doctors believe that healthcare reform will increase use of public health insurance programs but will not reduce costs, according to results from a survey of 500 physicians by the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions. A total of 85% of respondents said they...

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Reforming health reform

When President Barack Obama's health care reform was making its way through Congress,Republicans and other opponents registered plenty of criticisms: It was too generous, too inflexible and too centralized. But such concerns were brushed aside in the push to get a...

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When the Doctor Faces a Lawsuit

Within months of completing my training, I received the call that every doctor dreads. "You've been named in a malpractice lawsuit," said the hospital administrator on the other end of the line. The family of a patient I had seen briefly a year before believed that a...

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Medical liability concerns drive hospital admission decisions

Medical liability is a key reason physicians admit more emergency department patients and discharge them less, say two studies in the October Annals of Emergency Medicine. In one study, a survey of 849 emergency physicians and patients in two inner-city emergency...

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Indiana doctors face challenge to medical liability cap

Indiana physicians continue to battle a legal challenge over the state's medical liability damages cap.Indiana Court of Appeals judges on Oct. 25 allowed a lawsuit against the cap to move forward, denying a request by Community Hospitals of Indiana to throw out...

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Since Texas enacted comprehensive medical liability reform in 2003, including a constitutional amendment ratifying limitations on non-economic damages in medical liability lawsuits against health care providers, Texas has seen significant improvements in access to...

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Liability premiums hold steady, but state disparities linger

For the sixth consecutive year, medical liability insurance premiums have eased across the country, with 55% of rates in 2011 holding steady.While most rates remained stable, data from the annual Medical Liability Monitor survey show 30% of premiums dropped -- twice...

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Better Care in Texas Thanks to Tort Reform

Thanks to the passage of lawsuit reforms, medical care is now more readily available in many Texas communities. For many patients, this change has been life-altering; for some, life-saving.George Rodriguez walks today thanks to tort reform. Newly established Corpus...

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