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California’s Legislative Leaders Join Health Care Providers, Consumer Attorneys and Patient Advocates in Announcing Landmark Agreement to Modernize California’s Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA)
SOURCE: Californians Allied for Patient Protection In a historic agreement, California’s legislative leaders today joined with Californians Allied for Patient Protection, Consumer Attorneys of California and both the Yes and No campaigns of a scheduled November ballot...
U.S. Prevails in Fight Over Medical Expert Witness
SOURCE: Bloomberg Government The U.S. held onto a win in a suit accusing a federal health-care provider of medical malpractice after the 10th Circuit found that the plaintiffs’ expert witness didn’t meet Kansas’ requirements for standard-of-care witnesses. To qualify...
COVID-19 Liability Initiatives by State
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HCLA Letter to Congress on immunity during pandemic
Click here to read the letter April 7, 2020 The Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House United States House of Representatives 1236 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 The Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader 317 Russell Senate Office Building...
December 2019 Legislative Update
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Electronic-related med mal claims increasing: The Doctors
SOURCE: Business Insurance The number of medical malpractice claims stemming at least in part from electronic health records is increasing and may become a more frequent risk factor, says a report by a medical malpractice insurer. An analysis of 216 claims closed from...
Don’t create unintended loopholes for medical liability cases
SOURCE: AMA A Kentucky law that, in most cases, gives patients one year to file a medical liability lawsuit does the job it was designed to do—ensuring claims are promptly and fairly adjudicated—and the judicial system shouldn’t create any unintended loopholes,...
Bill would give liability protection to volunteer doctors in bid to cover low-income Wyomingites
Physicians and health facilities that provide voluntary care to low-income patients would have state protection for liability lawsuits under a bill being considered in the Wyoming Senate. The bill — Senate File 66 — would allow the Wyoming Department of Health to...
Medical tort-reform bill moves to House
FRANKFORT, Ky. — The Senate approved an omnibus medical tort-reform measure yesterday that would regulate everything from trial attorney fees, medical record copying charges and which malpractice lawsuits can advance in the courts. Among its many provisions, Senate...
Legal reform advocates point to medical malpractice figures in New York, Pennsylvania
ALBANY, N.Y. (Legal Newsline) – Experts who have watched medical malpractice lawsuits skyrocket in states like New York, Rhode Island and New Jersey say lawmakers have made it too easy and attractive to sue and reform must happen. “New Yorkers once again pay more for...