
July 2012 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 7, Issue 7 July 2012 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Liability Causes Long Term Care Costs to Skyrocket New Jersey Patients Coming Up Short Leading Voice on Health Care Supports Liability Reform Liability Causes Long...

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June 2012 – Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 7, Issue 6 June 2012 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Reform Reset: Supreme Court Decision Offers Opportunity for Medical Liability Fixes Innovation Stifled by Defensive Medicine Results are in – and Americans Understand...

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May 2012 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 7, Issue 5 May 2012 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Physicians, Patients Face Long Road in Liability Lawsuits Without Reforms, Michigan Faces Physician Shortages Patients Benefit from Texas Tort Reform Physicians,...

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April 2012 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 7, Issue 4 April 2012 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Making the Case for Federal Liability Reform More Movement for Medical Liability Reform Legislation The Massachusetts Model Positive Prognosis for Ohio Patients...

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March 2012 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 7, Issue 3 March 2012 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: House Passes Medical Liability Reform Bottom Line: Ryan Budget Includes Medical Liability Reform Patients Prevail Over Personal Injury Lawyers in Texas Romney Voices...

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Federal Judge Finds Texas Cap Constitutional

Lynch-pin of state's 2003 lawsuit reforms remain intact MARSHALL, Texas, March 27, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A Texas law that caps pain and suffering-type awards in health care lawsuits was ruled constitutional by a federal judge today. U.S. District Judge...

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February 2012 Newsletter

Recap of Reform at HCLA Annual Meeting The Health Coalition on Liability and Access met in Washington, DC earlier this month to discuss recent developments at the state level and hear from medical liability reform experts and Members of Congress on the path towards...

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January 2012 Newsletter

Medical Liability Strides, and Setbacks An important editorial in this month’s American Medical News details the recent success medical liability reforms have had at the state level, but shows just how much more work must be done to reform a broken system that does...

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December 2011 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 6, Issue 12 December 2011 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Hidden Costs of Medical Lawsuit Abuse New Good Samaritan Protection Bill Introduced Reforming Health Care Reform Happy Holidays from Protect Patients Now Hidden...

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November 2011 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 6, Issue 11 November 2011 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Promises Made, Promises Kept: Liability Reform Delivers Increased Access to Care in Texas New Medical Liability Program May Lead to More Rapid Resolution of...

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