
June 2009 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 4, Issue 6 JUNE 2009 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: PPN Joins Forces with National Coalition Let’s Be Serious A Surge of Support PPN Joins Forces with National Coalition Protect Patients Now is pleased to announce...

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July 2009 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 4, Issue 7 JULY 2009 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: PPN Launches Patient Petition to Support Medical Liability Reform Advances for Arizona Patients Do No Harm Washington Post Sees the Light on Reform PPN Launches...

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August 2009 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 4, Issue 8 AUGUST 2009 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Court Rulings Increase Lawsuit Abuse, Reduce Patient Care Too Much, Too Soon A Bit of Good News Sign the Medical Liability Reform Petition Court Rulings...

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September 2009 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 4, Issue 9 september 2009 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Is Congress Serious About Medical Liability Reform? PPN Delivers Petitions to Capitol Hill New Poll Says 78% Support Medical Liability Reform Personal Injury...

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October 2009 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 4, Issue 10 OCTOber 2009 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: New Poll Shows Americans Want Medical Liability Reform CBO Concludes that Medical Liability Reform Reduces Health Care Costs Paging Dr. Weinstein New Poll...

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November 2009 Newsletter

Protect Patients Now Volume 4, Issue 11 November 2009 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: PPN Petition Going to US Senate - Last Chance to Sign Missouri Gives Thanks to Liability Reform Medical Liability Land Mine Public Opinion Says It All PPN...

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Archived Newsletters

2009  December 2009 Newsletter  November 2009 Newsletter  October 2009 Newsletter  September 2009 Newsletter  August 2009 Newsletter  July 2009 Newsletter  June 2009 Newsletter  May 2009 Newsletter  April 2009 Newsletter  March 2009 Newsletter  February 2009...

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May 2006 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 1, Issue 1 May Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: • National Grassroots Campaign Builds Momentum • Radio Tour Reach 45 Million Listeners • Web Site Update • Filibusted! • Maryland Public...

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June 2006 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 1, Issue 2 JUNE Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: • Legislative Update • Sen. Clinton Admits Lawsuits Harm Patient Health Care • Emergency in the ER • Meritless Lawsuits,...

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July 2006 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 1, Issue 3 JULY Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: • House Hearings on Medical Liability • Check Out PPN’s “Recent News” • New Study: Defensive Medicine Costs...

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