
May 2024 Newsletter

Kentucky acts to stop abuse of medical liability system A bill signed into law in Kentucky aims to get ahead of aggressive abuses of the medical liability system, sidestepping issues experienced in other states that threaten access to care. The bill, HB 159,...

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April 2024 Newsletter

Shining a light on third-party financing of liability lawsuits Opinion leaders in the Sunshine State are pushing for the legislature to shed light on third-party financing of medical liability lawsuits, calling for a special legislative session to curb this practice,...

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March 2024 Newsletter

Campaign donations linked to expanding litigation laws in New York In pursuit of new avenues that would allow for an expanded ability to file liability lawsuits in New York, personal injury lawyers have pumped an increasing amount of money into the campaign coffers of...

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February 2024 Newsletter

Mega verdicts are the new norm Once the exception, sky high verdicts in medical liability lawsuits are making up an increasingly larger proportion of awards in the U.S. and becoming the new norm. This comes as Medscape reports that 2023 was a record high year in terms...

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January 2024 Newsletter

Montana maintains liability limits, but risks remain A jackpot jury award in Montana was reduced in alignment with the state’s reasonable limits on non-economic damages, but not before a sixteen-month period of uncertainty that left the medical liability climate at...

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December 2023 Newsletter

Intel on Health Care AI  As artificial and augmented intelligence (AI) begins to reach physicians’ offices across the U.S., balancing its benefits and limitations requires deeper intel to understand the impacts on patient care and liability. Recently, computer...

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November 2023 Newsletter

Missouri Supreme Court examines implications of expanding statute of limitations A pending case in Missouri is putting medical liability in legal limbo, as the state's Supreme Court is grappling with a crucial decision on the time limits for patients filing claims...

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October 2023 Newsletter

Liability reform elevated to presidential debate state Earlier this month, one presidential candidate offered up a tried and true way to improve access to patient care while lowering costs for Americans — through medical liability reform. A Wall Street Journal...

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September 2023 Newsletter

Liability reform returns to Georgia legislative agenda New advocacy efforts in Georgia have elevated the importance of medical liability reform, adding it to a list of business and patient-focused priorities this legislative session. Nearly 20 years ago, the state...

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August 2023 Newsletter

Oregon Ruling Spurs Concerns of Medical Liability Expansion Oregon physicians face the threat of being wrapped up in product liability lawsuits following an appellate court ruling that expands medical liability far past its original intent of defective drugs and...

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