
June 2007 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 2, Issue 6 JUNE 2007 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Comprehensive Reform Bill Introduced in U.S. Congress A Faustian Bargain In Pennsylvania? Texas Lawyers Trolling for Clients An Eloquent...

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July 2007 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 2, Issue 7 JULY 2007 NEWSLETTER E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Medical Liability Reform As Campaign Issue The Media is Catching On Leading Think Tank Hosts Medical Liability Summit An Irreversible...

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August 2007 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 2, Issue 8 August 2007 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Who Pays for Medical Lawsuit Abuse? The ER Crisis Hits Delaware Good News from Two Former Crisis States New York, New York, What a Mess!...

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September 2007 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 2, Issue 9 September 2007 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: John Edwards’ Medical Liability Reform Proposals – a “Nothingburger?” Texas Legislator Introduces National...

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October 2007 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 2, Issue10 October 2007 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: McCain Calls for Medical Liability Reform The Continuing Patient Access to Care Crisis I The Continuing Patient Access to Care Crisis II...

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November 2007 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 2, Issue11 November 2007 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Sunshine State Looking Cloudy for Patients Patient Access to Care Crisis Erupts in Hawaii What, Me Worry? Déjà vu All Over Again in...

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December 2007 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 2, Issue12 December 2007 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: A Time for Choosing in the US Senate Personal Injury Lawyers -- Hoist on Their Own Petard The Floodwaters Have Stopped Rising – For Now...

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January 2008 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 3, Issue 1 JANUARY 2008 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: A “Silent Crisis” for Maryland Patients For Patients, A Dangerous Precedent Personal Injury Lawyers Uncork the Champagne Doctors Fight...

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February 2008 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 3, Issue 2 FEBRUARY 2008 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: New Medical Liability Reform Legislation Sent to Congress Personal Injury Lawyers Never Sleep (Unfortunately) New Study Finds Medical...

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March 2008 Newsletter

Click here to download PDF Protect Patients Now Volume 3, Issue 3 MARCH 2008 Newsletter E-Newsletter Special points of interest: Citizen Action at Work in Colorado Doctors Rally For Reform in New York Oregon Dodges a Bullet -- Again Personal Injury Lawyers Up the Ante...

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