May 2024 Newsletter

Kentucky acts to stop abuse of medical liability system A bill signed into law in Kentucky aims to get ahead of aggressive abuses of the medical liability system, sidestepping issues experienced in other states that threaten access to care. The bill, HB 159,...

December 2023 Newsletter

Intel on Health Care AI  As artificial and augmented intelligence (AI) begins to reach physicians’ offices across the U.S., balancing its benefits and limitations requires deeper intel to understand the impacts on patient care and liability. Recently, computer...

September 2019 Newsletter

Longer statutes of limitation could invite in lawsuit abuse A challenge to Kentucky’s longstanding statute of limitations on medical liability lawsuit filings could open the door for additional litigation – and medical lawsuit abuse. A case is currently pending before...

July 2019 Newsletter

Opportunity for ACCESS: Liability reform introduced in Congress A new bill introduced in Congress offers the opportunity to limit the patchwork of medical liability laws and bring certainty to patients across the country seeking access to care. The Accessible Care by...